- Create one text file and Change filename is “SP2010_Site_Backup_With_Notification.ps1” and place below code into that file
# NAME: SP2010_Site_Backup_With_Notification.ps1
# COMMENT: A Powerful Script to take backup of the Site Collection SharePoint 2010 with email notification (or) Maintain log File.
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$today = (Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy)
$today1 = (Get-Date -Format ddMMMyyyy)
$month = (Get-Date -Format MMM-yyyy)
write-host $prevMonth
$prevDay= $((Get-Date).AddDays(-30))
write-host $day
# Check if log file exists.
$ChkFile = "D:\Backups\Sharepoint\Scheduled\" + $day
write-host $ChkFile
$FileExists = (Test-Path $ChkFile)
# Part 1.
If (($FileExists))
write-host "Backup File Exists" -foregroundcolor Green
Remove-Item -recurse $ChkFile
write-host "Backup File Deleted" -foregroundcolor Green
ElseIf (!($FileExists))
write-host "Backup File not Exists" -foregroundcolor Green
# Check if Monthly log file exists.
$ChkMonthLog = "D:\Backups\Sharepoint\Scheduled\TestBackupLog_" + $prevMonthDay + ".txt"
write-host $ChkMonthLog
$FileExists1 = (Test-Path $ChkMonthLog)
# Part 2.
If (($FileExists1))
write-host "Month Log File Exists" -foregroundcolor Green
Remove-Item -recurse $ChkMonthLog
write-host "Month Log Deleted" -foregroundcolor Green
ElseIf (!($FileExists1))
write-host "Month Log not Exists" -foregroundcolor Green
# Location of the Backup Folder
# This will actually initiate the Site Collection backup.
Backup-SPSite –Identity http://Domain/sites/testPortal -path D:\Backups\Sharepoint\Scheduled\$today\testPortal_$today1.bak
Add-Content -Value "Test Backup done successfully" -Path D:\Backups\Sharepoint\Scheduled\testBackupLog_$month.txt
Add-Content -Value (Get-Date -Format dd-MMM-yyyy) -Path D:\Backups\Sharepoint\Scheduled\testBackupLog_$month.txt
Add-Content -Value "----------------------------------------------------------" -Path D:\Backups\Sharepoint\Scheduled\testBackupLog_$month.txt
# Remove-SPShellAdmin –username administrator
# Edit the From Address as per your environment.
# $emailFrom = "test@test.com"
# Edit the mail address to which the Notification should be sent.
# $emailTo = "dvsivakrishna@gmail.com"
# Subject for the notification email. The + “$today” part will add the date in the subject.
# $subject = "The SharePoint Farm Backup was Successful for "+"$today"
# Body or the notification email. The + “$today” part will add the date in the subject.
# $body = "The SharePoint Site Backup was Successful for "+"$today"
# IP address of your SMTP server. Make sure relay Is enabled for the SharePoint server on your SMTP server
# $smtpServer = ""
# $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
# $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
# Configure the below parameters as per the above.
# $emailFrom = "Admin@test.com"
# $emailTo = "dvsivakrishna@gmail.com"
# $subject = "The SharePoint Farm Backup Job failed on "+"$today"
# $body = "The SharePoint Farm Backup Job failed on "+"$today and the reason for failure was $ErrorMessage."
# $smtpServer = ""
# $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
# $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
Add-Content -Value $ErrorMessage -Path D:\Backups\Sharepoint\Scheduled\TestBackupLogErrorFile_$month.txt
Open Task scheduler in
Administrative tools
Start --> Administrative Tolls --> Task Scheduler
Click on “Task Scheduler library” and Click on “Create Task”
- Please place Name of task.
- Select option "Run whether user is logged on or not".
- Check option "Run With highest privileges".
Click on new button and Schedule Trigger
Browse .ps1 file and place "PowerShell command"
click ok button task will run automatically on what time you scheduled.
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